Research Article

Analysis of Students’ Error in Solving Trigonometric Function Problems which Assess Higher Order Thinking Skills

Ika Sartika 1 * , Namirah Fatmanissa 1
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1 Sampoerna University, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 1(1), 2020, ep20002,
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International survey, such as TIMSS and PISA have indicated that higher order thinking skills (HOTS) of Indonesian students is still low. The purpose of this study is to identify students’ error in solving trigonometric function problem which assess HOTS. This is a case study research with a qualitative descriptive approach, in which the participants were all students of class IX A Science Program at SMAN X Karawang, East Karawang, Indonesia. Data was collected using test to identify students’ error in solving trigonometric problems which assess HOTS, which was develop based on the basic competence of high school mathematics and Bloom taxonomy. Beside conducting the test, the data also was collected from the interview result, where the interview will focus on the students that has low, medium, and high score on the test. Students’ errors were classified based on Newman’s Error Analysis. The result of the study revealed that the students’ errors found were comprehension error, transformation error, and process skill error.


Sartika, I., & Fatmanissa, N. (2020). Analysis of Students’ Error in Solving Trigonometric Function Problems which Assess Higher Order Thinking Skills. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 1(1), ep20002.


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