Review Article

Promoting School Health Education: A Lesson from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mohamed Lounis 1 *
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1 University of Djelfa, ALGERIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 1(2), 2020, ep20009,
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The world is facing to a new pandemic called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In the absence of an efficient treatment or vaccines, Governments have adopted different preventive measures to limit the spread of this disease such as social distancing, mask wearing and quarantine. However, the response of people to these measures was one of the most obstacle in their application demonstrating a missing link in the concept of health education. The current manuscript describe the importance of school health education and the necessity of investing in this concept as a lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic./


Lounis, M. (2020). Promoting School Health Education: A Lesson from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 1(2), ep20009.


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