Research Article

STEM Talk: Cultivating students’ STEM affinity and careers

Jiyoon Yoon 1 * , Jae Hyeon Ryu 2
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1 University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA2 University of Idaho Boise, Boise, ID, USA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 5(1), January 2024, ep24006,
Submitted: 12 December 2023, Published: 17 April 2024
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The emergence of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT, while convenient, has inadvertently reduced students’ engagement in critical thinking processes. This has led to waning interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, known for analysis and problem-solving. This study introduces “STEM Talk,” an active research presentation competition fostering diverse intelligences through visuals, language, reasoning, anecdotes, and emotion. It examines STEM Talk’s impact on 20 high school students’ STEM interests and careers. Pre- and post-STEM affinity tests and interviews reveal STEM Talk’s ability to notably boost affinity and reshape perceptions of STEM careers.


Yoon, J., & Ryu, J. H. (2024). STEM Talk: Cultivating students’ STEM affinity and careers. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 5(1), ep24006.


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