Research Article
Complexity Arising from “Escape Room” Style Activities in A High School Calculus Class
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1 Maple Leaf International School - Wuhan, CHINA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 3(1), January 2022, ep22003,
Submitted: 10 November 2021, Published: 14 January 2022
OPEN ACCESS 1166 Views 1698 Downloads
Traditional mathematics instruction serves many purposes in today’s education systems. Providing step-by-step guidance and lecture-style tuition in mathematics is often the norm. However, emerging insights into challenge, grit, and optimal teaching and learning strategies suggest that there may be benefit from increasing the mental burden on students. A short-term investigation was conducted into the use of choice, unstructured assessment and a “locked box” style of student-directed task for a high school calculus class of ESL students in China. Results were encouraging and suggested the emergence of a complex learning system composed of individual students that transcended the typical classroom experience.
calculus, complexity, emergence, puzzle-based, play-based, competition, collaboration, cooperation
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