Research Article
Impact of mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy belief and professional development on teaching mathematics in inclusive settings in Ghana
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1 SDA College Education, Asokore-Koforidua, GHANA2 The University of Education, Winneba, Winneba, GHANA3 C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Navrongo, GHANA4 University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, GHANA5 Antoa Senior High School, Biribiwomang, GHANA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 4(1), January 2023, ep23010,
Submitted: 18 September 2022, Published: 28 February 2023
OPEN ACCESS 819 Views 626 Downloads
The study was based on quantitative assumptions, and investigation was done to check the impact of mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs (MTSEB) and their professional development (PD) in teaching mathematics in inclusive settings. The theoretical foundation of the study was based on self-efficacy beliefs and the concept of system thinking. A purposive sampling technique was used to select all senior high schools practising inclusive education and mathematics teachers teaching in those inclusive settings. The sample used for the study was all 95 mathematics teachers found in all the inclusive settings. The study concluded that MESEB and PD have enhanced the 14 instructional delivery of mathematics and assisted families to help their children do well inmathematics. It was also found that the most difficult parts of teaching in an inclusive setting were not being able to help students understand pictures and diagrams during mathematics lessons and not having enough resources to help students learn. On issues related to teachers managing students in an inclusive setting, it was concluded that the PD of teachers helps them gradually shape students until they can perform the expected behaviour before they are reinforced. However, it was recommended that institutions in charge of issuing certificates for teachers should ensure that the training and development of teachers are done intensively through presentations or practicums to build teachers’ self-efficacy for good instructional delivery. Again, the Ministry of Education needs to concentrate on creating more inclusive educational institutions and giving them the tools, they require so that instructors can effectively instruct pupils. The researchers recommend that the inclusive education environment should have a well-established classroom management plan or guideline within which the instructor must function. The national rules should be modified to include a classroom management guideline that is adapted to the unique needs of the students in each inclusive educational environment. During their practicum, teachers should learn about this classroom management rule, which will help them do their jobs in the classroom.
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