Research Article

Mathematics Education in Ethiopia in the Era of COVID-19: Boosting Equitable Access for All Learners via Opportunity to Learning

Solomon Abedom Tesfamicael 1 * , Yenealem Ayalew 2 *
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1 Department of Teacher education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NORWAY2 Dire Dawa University, ETHIOPIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 2(1), 2021, ep21005,
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In the one hand, the world is not yet secured from COVID-19. On the other hand, educational planning is a continuous activity. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is going to implement new curricula since 2021/22 academic year. So, what lessons or challenges could be derived from this era? This might be an opportunity for educators and researchers to forward inputs to the decision making bodies. In this article, the construct “opportunity to learning” (OTL) is taken as a parameter for addressing one of the goals of education: equitable access in mathematics education. This was done by adopting two frameworks: NCTM & NCSM (2020) and Walkowiak, Pinter, & Berry (2017). Finally, we come up with ten discussion points in order to boost the equitable access for all learners. Our work may serve as a position paper to inform curriculum implementers and educational material producers in countries like Ethiopia.


Tesfamicael, S. A., & Ayalew, Y. (2021). Mathematics Education in Ethiopia in the Era of COVID-19: Boosting Equitable Access for All Learners via Opportunity to Learning. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 2(1), ep21005.


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