Research Article

Relationship between pre-service teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions and their teaching practices: What is the role of teacher anxiety?

Charles Kwabena Sie 1 * , Douglas Darko Agyei 1
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1 Department of Mathematics and ICT Education, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, GHANA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 4(2), 2023, ep23017,
Published Online: 08 May 2023, Published: 01 July 2023
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This study examined the role of mathematics anxiety in the relationship between pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions (MKTF) and their teaching practices. The study was based on the mathematics teaching proficiency model that identifies teacher knowledge and productive dispositions as variables that influence teachers’ practice. Data was collected from 171 PSTs using three instruments: mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions test, teaching practices test and mathematics anxiety questionnaire. Based on bi-variate correlation analyses, the results showed significant correlations: between PSTs’ MKTF and their teaching practices, and PSTs’ MKTF and their mathematics anxiety. Multiple regression analyses further showed that PSTs’ MKTF significantly predicted their teaching practices, and that anxiety increased magnitude of regression coefficient associated with MKTF in predicting performance in teaching practices. However, since the increase was insignificant, the study concluded that anxiety does not perform any significant role in the relationship between PSTs’ MKTF and their teaching practices. Thus, the study asserts that to train mathematics teachers in Ghana to proficiently teach mathematics depend on training them to acquire mathematical knowledge for teaching and independent of their anxiety levels. This study has implications for mathematics teacher education and professional development in Ghana.


Sie, C. K., & Agyei, D. D. (2023). Relationship between pre-service teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions and their teaching practices: What is the role of teacher anxiety?. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 4(2), ep23017.


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