Research Article

The Relationship Between Self-Concept and Problem-Solving Skills on Students’ Attitude Towards Solving Algebraic Problems

Elizabeth Julius 1 *
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1 Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Kebbi State, NIGERIA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 3(2), 2022, ep22020,
Published: 06 October 2022
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This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-concept and problem-solving skills in students’ attitudes towards solving algebraic problems. 377 students were utilized in the study. Two instruments were used to gather data: a problem-solving performance test and a questionnaire on self-concept and attitudes towards solving algebraic problems. The instrument was developed through concept analysis and review of literature; validated by subject matter experts. Lawshe’s (1975) content validity ratio was used to ascertain the validity of the instrument. Reliability of the instruments was established through the utilization of the most common and the best index of internal consistency known as Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. The findings showed based on the three hypotheses tested that there is a significant but negative relationship between self-concept and students’ attitude toward solving algebraic problems (ATPS) and also there is a significant positive relationship between problem-solving skills and their ATPS. However, the findings also indicated that there was no significant relationship between students’ problem-solving skills and their self-concept. It was concluded that schools in collaboration with the Ministry of Education should organize inter and intra mathematics competitions on algebraic problem-solving skills.


Julius, E. (2022). The Relationship Between Self-Concept and Problem-Solving Skills on Students’ Attitude Towards Solving Algebraic Problems. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 3(2), ep22020.


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