Research Article

Geometric perceptions of pre-service teachers and their geometric achievement

Gideon Mensah Banson 1 * , Ebenezer Bonyah 1 , Francis Ohene Boateng 1 , Raphael Owusu 1
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1 Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Tanoso-Kumasi, GHANA* Corresponding Author
Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 4(2), 2023, ep23020,
Published Online: 05 June 2023, Published: 01 July 2023
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The study of geometry enables students to think critically and make reasonable assumptions. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) perception and achievement in geometry. Convergent mixed method design, which is a mixed method approach based on the pragmatist paradigm of research was employed and a sample of 225 second year mathematics students participated in this study. Furthermore, the purposive sampling technique was used to select 10 students in order to gather data qualitatively. Questionnaire, geometry test and structured interview were used in collecting data. The perception and achievement of PSTs of this study showed a positively weak correlation. Exploring perceptions of PSTs, respondents indicated that geometry is an aspect of mathematics, and it entails shapes, angles, points, lines and many more. Participants also indicated that the content of geometry is not only about angles but there was one person who argued that geometry is all about angles. Since geometry is a broad aspect of mathematics, PSTs should be engaged in more of its content, even beyond angle properties and shapes. Some parts of geometry that deals with application of concepts in finding equations, making deductions and proving theorems should be stressed as vital in learning geometry.


Banson, G. M., Bonyah, E., Boateng, F. O., & Owusu, R. (2023). Geometric perceptions of pre-service teachers and their geometric achievement. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education, 4(2), ep23020.


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